Be it gemstones, food, or people - to "get real" is to experience something in it's natural state. That's what I'm all about - and so is my photography. Real never goes out of style!! So, find your comfy place and hang out as long as you like. We'll just get-real together. :)


I want a tire swing.

Trees (again, it's green...and so, like grass, bushes, plants, flowers and the like) are pretty rare. And I'm not even talking about trees that are mature enough for a tree swing!! Much to the kiddos' joy....probably one of only a handful of tree swings in Vegas. Gotta love it.

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..and she makes a half a dozen.

Yes folks, you heard me right. This beautiful girl is indeed, baby #6. And we don't even live on Walton's mountain!!! The worst of it all is...this mama was 30 pounds lighter AFTER giving birth. Sickening. (Does my jealously show?..)

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Pro-Bono Blessings

It is truly a joy to give in whatever way I it kids, families and even cats...

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Cloudy days are pretty much like winning the lottery around these parts. I think I can say with some assuredness that the clouds have made their grand appearance...oooohhhh - about 7 times or so in the last 2 1/2 years. Sad. BUT - WHEN they do appear (and that evil sun DISappears for awhile)....I grab my camera and try to get my kiddies as presentable as FAST as possible. My girl is quickly becoming a young lady and my boys are......well - still all boy (especially ONE of you can't guess which one). Sometimes I don't even notice their growth until I edit pictures like these. Give your kid-lets a hug today....and give me a call if you want to capture them before they start driving! :)

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Meet Aaron.

A mother's delight. A joy. A flirt. A bag of potatoes... Can you tell this baby is number 4? He was a doll and a toal ease to shoot, thanks to his terrific mother.

From Amy-Katrin Photography

From Amy-Katrin Photography


Friends helping friends.

I'm running a special - oh yes I am! Toted as the "Refer-a-Friend" special, it's exactly what it sounds like. EXCEPT...both refer-er AND refer-ee get goodies! In greater detail, it plays out like this: You have a friend (of course you probably have lots)- tell'em about my services, they call and set up an appointment (telling me they were referred by YOU) and I give them a free 8x10! Then YOU, my friend, get fifteen bucks off of your next sitting fee OR a free 8x10.'s as easy as that - and just for opening your mouth. Cool. I'll be running this 'till June; and June (can you believe it) - is JUST around the corner...

Happy Wednesday ya'll!



My baby (who will always remain as such, thank-you-very-much) started his very first foray into the world of organized sports. And whadd'ya know? The little boy who was so adept at breaking things, "accidentally" hitting his siblings, and throwing things he shouldn't has quite the right arm. Pitcher. Pretty funny to me. One of those God-must-be-chuckling-at-the-things-you-don't know kind of things. Anyways --- I hope you are enjoying your babies - especially those with an untrained arm.

From Amy-Katrin Photography

From Amy-Katrin Photography

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